Why does a good sounding analog synth Vst (example like the ones from Arturia to name one) works fine and needs 20% Cpu and a year later someone offers you basically the same sonic result but with 40% Cpu remains a mystery to me. This continuing “well we have the processing power nowadays, let`s reach the limits” but in the end creating always the same analog gear emulations i really don`t understand. I mean there are plenty of classic analog synth emulations that don`t go even near this Cpu usage and i can`t say that they sound worse.

I find this not to be the best programming i ever experienced. i can`t imagine that i will be able to use it in an average project that needs 30-40 % cpu usage (with 4-8 analog synths in it) already without getting problems. This is why i don`t think it`s my computers fault but that of the Emulaton itself. Now my computer is not the fastest in the world but it is a neat little beast. 1 instance of the synth without any tweeking playing one note takes 40-45 % cpu (in the ableton meter)…. The resourcefulness on U-he plugs is a bit of an in joke, in a good way – as we would all love a computer that could run those synths flawlessly. Otherwise it makes no logical sense to do this. So if they can conclude that they can make the emulations less resourceful and have a much wider market. But I think within that they are starting to realize that people don’t have a clue.

They already know which is the best emulation, which is the best balance, and what they shouldn’t be doing, and what is the right way to go, that stands to reason.

Maybe this blind test isn’t testing what people feel sounds the best, but it is testing our ears, and the worth of this resourceful approach in relation to that. They may vote on the best sounding filter, and that may, or may not, be something that even sounds like analogue emulation. So people may not be voting on the best analogue sounding filter, or the best Pro One sounding filter. Very much like the debate about grooves in plastic being the best form of media storage for audio that has ever been invented, that is how silly things can get people are, generally speaking, f*cking useless.
That blind test raises a lot of calls regarding professional ears, sounds, and standards within that. So in terms of emulation, you wouldn’t sample a Strad for the best sounding violin sample. It is all personal and deeply subjective. If they are genuinely picking the new violin sound, as the best sounding instrument, then it shows you that a Strad has unwarranted status. It is like someone from around here doing a blind test with some Yamaha CS emulation, if you hear the sound of a CS-80 then you are going to want to call that out before some cheap emulation, even if it sounds better, otherwise our lives are worthless here!!! A professional soloist is going to want to show people they know their shit, so even if they don’t prefer the sound of the Strad they are going to make that call upon hearing that sound, but they didn’t do that – they kinda showed themselves up in that regard. Remember that one? They got together 10 professional soloists and 12 instruments, did the blind test to pick best sounding replacement instrument, and the new violin scores high and Strad scores low. Then you have a professional developer issue, if they can’t tell which is the best balance of power and sound then how can they expect the general public to make that call? You won’t get a real response, close to being random. This will always have a level of balancing and optimizing, but knock yourself out with a mono emulation, and they do. The first issue is pure emulation if it is authenticity that is sought then you use the most CPU draining method and wait for the tech to catch up, and run a single instance on a powerful machine till then.